“Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Berlin- A Dining Gem In Germany.”

Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Berlin

Introduction To Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Berlin:

Hotel Adlon Kempinski is situated in the heart of Berlin, Germany. This well-famed hotel is described as the number 01 hotel in Germany due to its mansion and kingdom like interior and decorum. This esteemed hotel has more than 300 rooms, 3 to 5 top-class restaurants depicting German and international food and culture and has received multiple star rated awards and honours in the past 20 years. Upon gaining access to the hotel, tourists feel energetic by the high-spirited drinks, tea and beverage items. Moreover, the lobby and dining room is 2 or 3 storied and tourists are simply eye-struck by the uncommon background of the dining hall.

Impressive And Incredible Interior Decorations:

The hotel and the dining room were renovated few years back and lots of new golden decorations have been installed to make the hotel more modern and lightning. The fountains near the hotel have been rebuilt using innovative works of marble and stone combinations. The rooms are of standard size and they are designed in such a way maintaining privacy. In addition, some books and notes have been kept inside the star featured marble rooms. As a result, tourists can gain knowledge about the aristocratic heritage and foundation of this hotel. Lastly, mosaic stones have been used in the balconies and bathrooms.

A Wonderful German Dining Experience And Activities:

There are multiple restaurants located inside the hotel. As a result, it is wise for tourists to have a taste in almost each and every item of the restaurants. Classic German breakfast, European standard breakfast menue and cuisines are served to the tourists. In addition, tourists can taste the Adlon cake, which is mixed with chocholate and vanilla and is very yummy indeed. This item is a must-taste for all new guests because this cake is a signature menue. Besides having a fine dining experience, tourists can have a glance at the Bradenburg Gate. Built more than 100 hundred years back, this gate is a monumental landmark of Germany. Let alone visiting, the design of this aristocratic gate is worth visiting. The gate has been crafted with marble and white cream coloured stones.

Conclusion To Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Berlin:

Hotel Adlon Kempinski is a 5 star of phenomenal quality. The breakfast menues, behaviour and welcoming attire of new tourists, dining rooms, German culture- every feature makes this hotel a step above other hotels in Germany. This hotel is a blend of latest luxury with classic German history and heritage. Moreover, the rooms are not chaotic. So couples and kids can enjoy a peaceful and remote vacation or short tour in this hotel. Tourists can enjoy an unforgettable journey in this hotel due to its elegant atmosphere.