“Exploring Angel Falls, Venezuela-An Amazing Tourism Exhibition.”

"Angel Falls, Venezuela- A place of magnificence."


Angel Falls is located in the Guiana Highlands. It is situated in Bolivar state, southeastern Venezuela. Due to various reasons, tourists have got a great admiration and fascination towards this place. First of all, Angel Falls is one of the tallest waterfalls in the world. It has a height of around 979 metres. In addition, this spectacular waterfall is a place of natural beauty. It has eye-catching rainforests and landscapes, which draws the attraction of tourists.


One notable fact is the “Canaima National Park.” Angel Falls is indeed located in this park. This park is world-famous because of the unique table-mountain formations. There are a variety of water-falls, for example- a fall of around 1001 metres. Moreover, some unique birds and animals are found in this place. For example- harpy eagle, vibrant orchids, jaguars are available in this marvellous park. The perfect time to visit this falls is between June to November, specially during the rainy season. Although it is the rainy season, the rain showers come in short intervals due to which tourists can see sunshine and clear skies. Moreover, the atmosphere remains serene and tranquil during this time.


There are various activities visitors can do in this spectacular falls. For example- going on a boat ride near the Churun river. In addition, visitors can see the highest branches of rainfall by taking a canopy tour. Moreover, visitors can pass their leisure time by going for horse riding. Helicopter trips and plane trips are affordable and enjoyable here. However, some combined efforts are taken by the authority to protect the environment surrounding Angel Falls, Venezuela and Canaima National Park. The authority is trying its best to promote sustainable tourism practices.


To sum up, “Angel Falls” stands out as a unique tourism place and is an exhibition of Earth”s natural beauty. By visiting this waterfall, visitors can explore the beauty of Venezuela”s rich natural heritage.