“Exploring Louvre Museum, Paris- Best of Best French Artworks.”

"Louvre Museum At Night-Best View"


The Louvre Museum is located in Paris, France. It is situated on the right bank of the river Seine. This museum is home to the renowned painting “Mona Lisa” and helps visitors to know in details about French architecture and heritage. This museum is called best due to its enormous collection of artworks. For example- Egyptian heritage and pyramids, Ancient Rome, Greek History, Islamic Arts, Iconic Historical Drawings and Paintings such as Mona Lisa etc. In short words, although this museum is situated in Paris, France this museum can be a splendid place for history lovers. Because this best museum describes all the historical culture, heritage, paintings, sculpture of various countries.

Exploring Various Features Of This Masterpiece Museum:

Whenever we talk about this museum, the first thing which strikes our mind is Mona Lisa. The painting of Mona Lisa is one of the most eminent works in the pages of history. Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in the 15th century. Even after so many years, there is debate among international tourists regarding the mysterious smile of Mona Lisa. However, by visiting this museum, visitors can see this painting realistically. In addition, a traveller can know about Egyptian history like pharaohs, pyramids from this place. In Louvre Museum, there is a separate section for Egyptian history where artificial designs of Egyptian kings or Pharaohs, pyramids, mummies are designed in a realistic way. History lovers can gain more in-depth knowledge regarding Egyptian legacy by visiting this best museum.

Other Activities To Do In This Best Museum:

Apart from watching paintings and sculptures, visitors can explore the “Palais Royal.” It is a majestic palace worth spending time in. This splendid palace is surrounded by shops, cafes and art galleries. Moreover, it has beautiful gardens and elegant architecture. Moreover, tourists can walk around the “Tuileries Garden” which is adjacent to the Louvre museum. This garden is very spacious and the largest garden in Paris. In addition, this spectacular garden has flower pools, fountains and because of its immense beauty, this garden has been awarded as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The Louvre Museum in Paris stands out as an evidence and monumental achievement to human creativity and innovation. It is indeed a superb place where history comes alive and realistic by virtue of art work. This place is a favourite place for all kinds of people- whether it be history lovers, art enthusiasts or normal people who are curious to know about ancient French, Roman, Egyptian heritage. As a result, I would recommend every travel lovers to visit this spectacular museum and preserve good memories for lifetime.