“The Wonders of Glacier National Park- Montana’s Crown Jewel.”

Glacier National Park, Montana, USA.

Introduction to Glacier National Park:

Glacier National Park is located in the north-western part of Montana, United States. The magnificent scenery of this park is breathtaking and this park is right up there among the best parks in the entire world. Tourists who are interested in hiking, walking and covering long distances can visit this park during their vacations. The mountains in this park are rocky depicting a stunning background. The alpine-lakes in this park are lucid and perspicuous. Moreover, the glaciers in this park are extraordinary and phenomenal. Due to this sensational and exquisite features, this park is referred to as “Crown of The Continent.”

Entertaining Activities in Glacier National Park:

Glacier National Park has numerous activities for the merriment of tourists. “Going To The Sun Road” is one such activity where a group of cars drive to the top of the mountain and flowers bloom in the background. This activity is fun but requires a lot of courage. Moreover, “Cross Country Skiing” is another rejoicing activity during the winter season. Routes and trails are available depending on the skills and ability of tourists. However, the overall situation and condition of climate and weather can have an impact during this activity. Walking on the top of frozen lakes can be risky so tourists should be aware of it.

Other Fun Activities for Tourists:

Tourists can visit “Hungry Horse Reservoir” which is located nearby Glacier National Park. Captivating and charming activities are available in this place all year around. Huckleberry picking, water skiing, jet riding, snowmobiling- various recreational activities are available. As a result, this place has great demand among the international and foreign tourists. Moreover, tourists can actively participate in Alpine adventures near the waterpark. “The Whitefish Mountain Resort” is a family-friendly and adventurous place for ride lovers. In this resort, there are ziplines and alpine- slides where people can have fun. Moreover, there are climbing to the top of the tree challenges, stand with rope challenges for the cheerfulness of tourists.


The Glacier National Park is a legendary park in the United States. Nature and wildlife lovers, tourists who are fond of adventure can try to visit this park. There are endless and uncountable opportunity for adventure lovers in this place. However, the park has too many features to be explored so tourists should plan ahead before visiting this park. Tourists who are fond of camping can stay in this side and enjoy the cheerful scenery of the night sky. Moreover, the topography of the park seem more mesmerizing when visitors take a boat tour infront of the Lake McDonald. So, it can be deservingly said that this park is a national treasure of the United States.