“Serengeti National Park- Tanzania”s Esteemed Masterpiece.”

The Great Migration in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania.

Introduction to Serengeti National Park:

The Serengeti National Park is situated in the northern part of Tanzania. This world-famous park was established in the year 1940. This park is undoubtedly a world-class destination for seeing wildlife and animals. Various types of animals for example- lions, elephants, zebra, wild dogs, giraffe are available in this park. In addition, this park is renowned for migration. Every year, approximately more than 1 million zebras, giraffes, widebeests migrate in this park. Moreover, the savannah in this park is expansive and extensive, grasslands form a colourful background for photography. The riverine forests in this park are simply stunning.

Popular Places of Attraction in Serengeti National Park:

“The Lobo Valley” is one of the most demandable places to visit in this park. Lions, leopards, baboons and cheetahs take shelter in this valley. This place is surrounded by green mountains, trees and grasslands which creates an a striking framework. From August to November, during “The Great Migration” African Zebras can be viewed in this place. After exploring this valley, tourists can see “Naabi Hill.” This place is a fun place for walking, hiking and covering long distances. Moreover, giftshops, restrooms and various facilities are available for the international visitors.

An Unforgettable Safari Exhibition:

In order to explore all the animals and memorable sites of interest, it is wise to rise up early in the morning. The set of the sunrise in this park is awesome and staggering. Early in the morning, the outlook and topography of the park is remarkable surrounded in the blend of green trees with an appealing African setting. First of all, the monkeys in Serengeti National Park are generally black coloured. Their body structure and composition is dissimilar compared to other monkeys. As tourists walk through the pathways in the hidden, they will experience small oasis of vegetation. Ostriches and cheetahs can be found near the grasslands and savannahs.


The Serengeti National Park is one of the eminent premier parks ranked globally. It has been a favourite place for tourism destinations for many years. In this park, variety of wildlife can be seen. Visitors and adults who have great interest in knowing about wildlife and African animals can surely visit this park with groups of friends. Moreover, there are many caves, mountains, interesting areas to explore. However, tourists must abide by rules and regulations before visiting this park.