“Visiting Sutherland Falls- A Stunning Waterfall in New Zealand.”

The Sutherland Falls- A Stunning Destination in New Zealand

Introduction of this stunning place:

The “Sutherland Falls” is located in the south island of New Zealand. Visitors who once visit this stunning place tends to visit it again and again because the experience that they gain by visiting this waterfall is not to be forgotten easily. This waterfall demonstrates the impressivenss and majesty of nature in a broader view.

Notable features of this stunning waterfall:

The Sutherland Falls is an astounding waterfall in New Zealand and visitors are attracted deeply towards this place. This waterfall is so towering that it is around 4 times the height or taller than the famous “Statue of Liberty.” Before visiting this waterfall, visitors should know what is the perfect time to go there to enjoy all of its features to the fullest. However, “November to April” seems to be the peak time to visit this stunning waterfall. During this time, the skies remain crystal clear and glassy.

Pleasurable Activities to do in this stunning waterfall:

Helicopter Tour and Other Areas of Exploration:

In order to explore “The Sutherland Falls” walking or travelling on foot is not enough. Visitors can take a helicopter to view all the surroundings of “The Sutherland Falls.” Riding on a helicopter offers a birds-eye view of this stunning and splendid waterfall. In addition, there are prolific and luxuriant rainforests present in this amazing waterfall. The rainforests are appealing and pretty as a picture. So taking photographs are a wise way to preserve life-long memories. Moreover, “Milford Track” is located near “The Sutherland Falls.” Hiking around this track offers visitors a pleasant experience.


It is a matter of great honor that “The Sutherland Falls” has been ranked among the top 15 waterfalls in the entire world. Couples can come here, spend time with their kids. In addition, there are some parks nearby for merriment and fun. Moreover, some restaurants and resorts are located nearby so that visitors can eat snacks, lunch, dinner and take rest. Moreover, the people of New Zealand are very gentle and modest. They provide the highest level of security to the visitors and their hospitality is very generous.