“The Magical Whitehaven Beach- Australia”s Paradise.”

Whitehaven Beach, Queensland, Australia

Introduction of Whitehaven Beach, Australia:

Whitehaven Beach is a notable beach located in Queensland, Australia. This world-famous beach is absolutely spectacular and all varieties of facilities related to enjoyment and fun are available for local and foreign tourists. The striking beauty of this beach is extraordinary with silica sand and fresh volume of water. There are 2 parts of this beach. The Northern Part and The Southern Part. Both of these 2 parts of the beach offer a rejoicing experience to the visitors. Visitors can visit this place by means of helicopter, seaplane, boat etc.

Special Features of Whitehaven Beach:

The first special characteristics of Whitehaven Beach is its sands. The collections of sands in this renowned beach is more than 90 percent pure silica sand. As a result, visitors can walk softly in the sands with no difficulty. In addition, during summer days, when the weather remains hot, the sand absorbs the heat due to which tourists can walk on the sand at a comfortable pace. The ideal time to visit this place is during the dry season starting from the month of May to September.

Pleasant and Fun Loving Activities:

Tourists can enjoy their leisure time here in a variety of ways. Firstly, tourists can ride on a helicopter to see all the wonderful features of this beach from upper view. By riding on helicopter, tourists can see “The Great Barrier Reef ” which is a noteworthy heaven and paradise. “The Great Barrier Reef” is the biggest coral reef in the world. It is home to marine life and a vast gatherings of ecosystems. Roaring sea turtles, colourful fishes, fierce sharks are present here. Moreover, mangrove and sea-grass beds are found here which makes it a suitable place for wildlife. In addition, tourists can spent their time here by scuba driving and snorkeling. Tourists can swim under the water by using face masks. When the water is very cool, wetsuits are arranged for visitors. Moreover, tropical Australian fishes are available here. By using boat riding, visitors can explore this beach in-depth and get to know about lively tropical fishes.

Other Interesting Activities:

Camping is an exquisite way to spend quality time with family and friends. Visitors can design camps on north or south side of the beach. Visitors willing to stay night in this beach can stay in camps. This beach is very spacious due to which camps can be arranged maintaining large shape. Apart from camping, Ricochet Yachting is a breathtaking experience and very demandable among the tourists. By riding on Yacht, visitors can explore the blue water and waves of the sea in depth. The yachts start from the Island of Hamilton and there are bodyguards who are always available for the safety and convenience of the tourists. Lastly, visitors staying overnight for a few days with wives and kids can talk a morning walk using slippers. Morning walk can be a perfect way to start the day.


Whitehaven Beach offers visitors a once in a lifetime experience. This beach provides tourists a thrilling adventure. As a result, this beach remains a top spot in the hearts of adventure lovers. In addition, all kinds of watersport activities are available like snorkeling, scuba diving, boat riding and on top of that yacht riding. During sunset, the beach looks more charming and appealing. Sunset walk and morning walk can be taken for relaxation. Moreover, in this beach variety of wildlife and sea-life are available. However, my personal suggestion to the visitors should be that to explore this beach to the full extent, visitors should stay here for 2 to 3 days instead of a day long camp. Because 1 day is not enough to enjoy this beach to the fullest. By staying at least 2 days in this notable beach, majority areas of interest can be explored by the visitors.